Customer Testimonails

Check out what some of our clients and customers are saying about us!

What they’re saying makes all the difference!

“I would like to say that working with James Burgess and his company Elite Homes has been a pleasure from the start. James worked with us thru the project from designing the home that we wanted, placing it perfectly on our lot. We are very proud to call this home, very glad we chose James, and would highly recommend Elite Homes to build a home for anyone.”
-Roger S.

“My wife and I were very fortunate to [choose] this company for our home addition plans. Mr. Burgess showed impressive initiative and drive in developing our plans and getting all the pre-construction work as well as engineering plans done quickly and effectively. From start to finish, the overall quality of Mr. Burgess’ work is simply outstanding. It is with the utmost enthusiasm that we recommend Elite Builders for any and all building projects, minor or major.”
-Randy G.

“James [and] his crew [built an] additional to our master bedroom last year 2019 and did an excellent and amazing job. It took a couple of months, [they were] neat and professional, James had great ideas to make [our] bedroom really cozy. We would recommend ‘Build Elite’ for any construction jobs”
-T. Hunt

“[I am] very pleased with James Burgess and Elite Homes… I believe Mr. Burgess and his team did an exceptional job. I am therefore very pleased to be able to recommend his services to anyone looking to have a home built because I myself am very grateful to have had Mr. Burgess and his team as my builders.”
-Michelle T.

“He built a custom home for me, and he did a great job. There was a lot of extensive work that went into the home and he was able to complete all of it and got everything I wanted incorporated. Highly recommend James!”
-John P.

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